Brother to winner
1. Laon – 1,426 birds
Half-brother to ‘Victoria 786’
2. Nat. Zone Limoges – 1,491 birds / 1015 Nat. – 13,569 birds 2019
49. prov. Limoges – 1,413 birds / 750. Nat. – 15,789 birds 2018
385. I.prov. Chalon Sur Saone – 5,699 birds
11. Tulle – 154 birds / 53. Prov. – 614 birds 2019
46. prov. Limoges – 584 birds 2017
8. Bergerac – 101 birds
10. Limoges – 117 birds
49. Gien – 493 birds
Bred from ‘Superbreeder 801’ Aelbrecht
Super Cock from Perpignan-Pair; ‘De Perpignan’ x ‘043 D. Limoges’
‘Mister Perfect’ is half-brother to
‘Son 801 Aelbrecht 054’
- Co-winner 2. Nat. champion long distance KBDB 2011
- 1. local / 2. prov. / 18. Nat. Orange - 4,443 birds 2012
- 42. Nat. Libourne - 6,767 birds 2010
- 1. local / 37. Nat. Zone Cahors - 2,578 birds 2011
‘Blue Narbonne 024’
- 26. Nat. / 29. Int Narbonne 2012 – 11,000 birds
- ‘Grandson Perpignan 509’
- 2. prize / 85. Nat Zone Bourges - 7,285 birds
- 1. Nat. Zone Libourne 2,222 b. / 1. local 160 b. / 5. Nat. 6,134 b.
- 3. Nat. Zone Gueret - 2,593 b. / 3. prov. 3,052 b./ 24. Nat. 15,007 b.
- Breeder BE11-5010592
- Best +500 km racer in 2012 at Jos Thoné
- 1. Limoges – 474 birds / 7. Nat. Zone 4,264 birds / 62. Nat. 17,735 birds
- 5. prov. / 11. Nat. Bourges 14,571 birds
- 76. s-Nat. Chateauroux 2012 – 8,624 birds
- 353. Nat. Montluçon 2012 – 22,875 birds
Bred from daughter to ‘Eagle Eye’
- 1. Nat. acebird allround from Belgium 2007-2009
- 4. Nat. acebird long distance KBDB 2009
- 5. Olympiad bird allround Dortmund 2008
- 6. Nat. acebird middle distance young LCB 2007
- Co winner 5. Nat. championship Belgium yearlings 2008
- 5x 1. prize winner … 5.-7.-15. National Zone
Mother of winners
- 1. Laon – 1,426 birds
- 1. Prov. Aurillac - 449 birds
- 1. Sourdun - 304 birds
- 3. Nat. c Souillac - 383 birds
- 51. Nat. Montelimar – 2,836 birds
- 60. Nat. Aurillac – 3,004 birds
Bred from ‘Little Joe’
- 9. Int. Marseile - 20,786 birds
- 384. s-Nat. Jarnac - 6,856 birds
3 generations offspring ‘Little Joe’ won
- 1. Prov. Aurillac - 449 birds
- 1. Prov. Libourne - 551 birds
- 1. Prov. Montauban - 722 birds
- 1. Laon – 1,426 birds
- 1. Hafr Al Batin (Sau) – 3,212 birds
- 2. Nat. Montelimar - 2,832 birds
- 3. Nat. c Brive - 1,058 birds
- 3. Sourdun - 2,445 birds
- 3. s-Nat. Jarnac - 3,714 birds
- 4. Nat. Montauban - 6,809 birds
- 6. Montauban (Fr) – 8,598 birds
- 6. Int. Bordeaux - 10,919 birds
- 7. Nat. Montélimar – 2,832 birds
- 8. Skaka (Sau) – 3,459 birds
- 8. Nat. Catanzaro (Mt) – 3,999 birds
- 8. Nat. Montauban - 6,187 birds
- 10. Int. Agen – 14,799 birds
- 10. Int. Perpignan - 15,937 birds
- 10. Int. Agen - 6,042 birds