1. Fast prov. Aurillac (718 km) 952 birds 2019 5. place (1. drop) 626 p. (500 km) Final Derby Zagreb, Croatia '22
Mother is daughter Superbreeder 'Little Joe'

Winner of
1. prov. Aurillac / 1. Fast. prov. – 952 birds / 40. Nat. – 3,886 birds 2019
4. Sourdun – 1,247 birds
3. Nat. Zone Souillac – 383 birds
6. Bourges – 205 birds / 88. Nat. Zone – 2,347 birds / 985. Nat. – 23,195 birds
24. Valence – 603 birds / 64. prov. – 1,392 birds / 
100. Nat. Zone Valence – 1,969 birds / 455. Nat. – 7,682 birds
114. Nat. Zone Valance – 2,112 birds / 568. Nat. – 7,974 birds
42. Nat. Zone Montauban – 670 birds / 666. Nat. – 5,408 birds

View pedigree

Brother to winner
1. Laon – 1,426 birds

Half-brother to ‘Victoria 786’
2. Nat. Zone Limoges – 1,491 birds / 1015 Nat. – 13,569 birds 2019
49. prov. Limoges – 1,413 birds / 750. Nat. – 15,789 birds 2018
385. I.prov. Chalon Sur Saone – 5,699 birds
11. Tulle – 154 birds / 53. Prov. – 614 birds 2019
46. prov. Limoges – 584 birds 2017
8. Bergerac – 101 birds
10. Limoges – 117 birds
49. Gien – 493 birds


Bred from ‘Superbreeder 801’ Aelbrecht
Super Cock from Perpignan-Pair; ‘De Perpignan’ x ‘043 D. Limoges’

‘Mister Perfect’ is half-brother to 
‘Son 801 Aelbrecht 054’

  • Co-winner 2. Nat. champion long distance KBDB 2011
  • 1. local / 2. prov. / 18. Nat. Orange - 4,443 birds 2012
  • 42. Nat. Libourne - 6,767 birds 2010
  • 1. local / 37. Nat. Zone Cahors - 2,578 birds 2011

‘Blue Narbonne 024’

  • 26. Nat. / 29. Int Narbonne 2012 – 11,000 birds
  • ‘Grandson Perpignan 509’  
  • 2. prize / 85. Nat Zone Bourges - 7,285 birds


  • 1. Nat. Zone Libourne 2,222 b. / 1. local 160 b. / 5. Nat. 6,134 b.
  • 3. Nat. Zone Gueret - 2,593 b. / 3. prov. 3,052 b./ 24. Nat. 15,007 b.
  • Breeder BE11-5010592
  • Best +500 km racer in 2012 at Jos Thoné
  • 1. Limoges – 474 birds / 7. Nat. Zone 4,264 birds / 62. Nat. 17,735 birds
  • 5. prov. / 11. Nat. Bourges 14,571 birds
  • 76. s-Nat. Chateauroux 2012 – 8,624 birds
  • 353. Nat. Montluçon 2012 – 22,875 birds

Bred from daughter to ‘Eagle Eye’

  • 1. Nat. acebird allround from Belgium 2007-2009
  • 4. Nat. acebird long distance KBDB 2009
  • 5. Olympiad bird allround Dortmund 2008
  • 6. Nat. acebird middle distance young LCB 2007
  • Co winner 5. Nat. championship Belgium yearlings 2008
  • 5x 1. prize winner … 5.-7.-15. National Zone


Mother of winners

  • 1. Laon – 1,426 birds
  • 1. Prov. Aurillac - 449 birds
  • 1. Sourdun - 304 birds
  • 3. Nat. c Souillac - 383 birds
  • 51. Nat. Montelimar – 2,836 birds
  • 60. Nat. Aurillac – 3,004 birds

Bred from ‘Little Joe’

  • 9. Int. Marseile - 20,786 birds
  • 384. s-Nat. Jarnac - 6,856 birds

3 generations offspring ‘Little Joe’ won

  • 1. Prov. Aurillac - 449 birds
  • 1. Prov. Libourne - 551 birds
  • 1. Prov. Montauban - 722 birds
  • 1. Laon – 1,426 birds
  • 1. Hafr Al Batin (Sau) – 3,212 birds
  • 2. Nat. Montelimar  - 2,832 birds
  • 3. Nat. c Brive  - 1,058 birds
  • 3. Sourdun  - 2,445 birds
  • 3. s-Nat. Jarnac - 3,714 birds
  • 4. Nat. Montauban - 6,809 birds
  • 6. Montauban (Fr) – 8,598 birds
  • 6. Int. Bordeaux - 10,919 birds
  • 7. Nat. Montélimar – 2,832 birds
  • 8. Skaka (Sau) – 3,459 birds
  • 8. Nat. Catanzaro (Mt) – 3,999 birds
  • 8. Nat. Montauban - 6,187 birds
  • 10. Int. Agen – 14,799 birds
  • 10. Int. Perpignan - 15,937 birds
  • 10. Int. Agen - 6,042 birds


Some results of 'Victor'

1. Prov. Aurillac (2019) fastest 952 pigeons 718 km
4. Sourdun 1.247 pigeons 320 km
3. National c. Souillac 746 km
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