1. Int. Narbonne, fastest of >10.000 pigeons

In 2004, Jos Thoné selected two daughters of ‘Sumo’ (BE94-5018042) and paired them with two supreme cocks of the ‘Poco’-lineage. The results were two females which in 2005 took part in the international Narbonne flight as yearlings. Both landed side-by-side and won respectively 1st International (Sedna I) as well as 2nd International (Sedna II) Narbonne (872km) of more than 10.000 birds.

‘Sedna’ and her descendants are pure combination of speed and strength. This world- famous lineage is winning races around the globe from 100 to 1000 km.

Sedna BE04-5026055 1. Int. Narbonne, fastest of >10.000 pigeons Sendo BE06-5150431 Son of 'Sedna' 1. Int. Narbonne
Breeder of 'Gaggan', 'Gagano', 'Apollo' and 'Alien'
Waldo BE07-5080826 One of the last breeding sons of ‘Sedna’ in the world! Son 801 BE09-4263054 "De Rauw - Sablon" / Bred by Marc De Cock
Father 'Tilly' 1. Nat. Tulle '16, fastest 13.426 p.
Edna BE13-5020599 Proven breeding daughter of 'Sedna' Tilly BE14-2022243 1. Nat. Tulle 2016, fastest 13.426 pigeons Glana BE14-2022711 Daughter 'Sedna' 1. Int. Narbonne
Mother 6./ 986 p. (234 km) AfrikaPro OLR '22
Flower BE14-2022825 Proven breeding g.daughter of 'Sedna' Sedmos BE05-5148801 Son Sumo & Sedna / Father Girder Beauty Sedna BE12-5030699 Proven breeding daughter of 'Sedna' Guyliam BE12-5030896 1st. Prov. Monteauban 2014 / 1st. Prov. Libourne 2015 Inbred Sedna BE10-5031978 Superior breeding daughter of 'Sedna' Seltos BE14-2335764 Supreme breeding cock bl.line 'Sedna' Daughter Black Magic NL15-1689397 Black Magic won 1st. Int. Perpignan of 17.965p. Suprina BE12-5030370 Mother Alien (1st. Nat. Poitiers / 1st. Nat. La Souterraine) and mother Gaggan 2x 1st. Nat. zone