Oliver 150
Winner of 1/937 (190km), 3/2,040 (140km) ...
is breeder of: 21. FINAL Ostwestfalen Derby OLR 2021 427km 239p. headwind
nest-brother won 51. FINAL OLR Sunny Beach Bulgaria '21

Bred from 'Oliver'
5. Nat. Argenton of 13.720 pigeons

Bred from 'Alabama'
5. Jouy-le-Chatel – 1.307 pigeons 
19. Sezanne – 3.058 pigeons
6. Chimay – 367 pigeons
2. Laon – 122 pigeons 
197. Nat. Chateauroux – 4.203 pigeons 

Very successful breeding pair! 

Voir pedigree

'Oliver' x 'Alabama' are parents to a.o.:

‘Oliver Junior’ 
1. Nat. c. Argenton – 1.714 pigeons
1. Dizy-le-Gros – 316 pigeons
11. Nat. c. Issoudun – 894 pigeons  (534 km)
‘Oliver 149’
29. Nat. Chateauroux – 2.721 pigeons (2020)
4. Nat. c. La Souterraine – 1.604 pigeons
5. Dizy-le-Gros – 752 pigeons
‘Oliver 150’
1. Dizy-le-Gros – 937 pigeons
3. Chimay – 2.040 pigeons

'Oliver' is bred from 'Impact'
is bred from ‘Casanova’
1. Prov. Acebird KBDB MD 2006 & 2007
is bred from ‘Deep Impact’
Olympiad Pigeon Allround Dortmund 2009
1. Nat. Acebird AVR long distance 2006 & 2007
1. Prov. Acebird KBDB long distance 2006

Mother ‘Oliver’ and ‘Tora’
is a super breeding hen and mother to:
5. Nat. Argenton – 13.621 birds (Oliver)
14. Nat. Tulle – 7.322 birds (Tora)

16. Nat. Chateauroux – 24.617 birds (raced by Gert Noels)
(grand-)mother to at least 26x 1. prize (incl. doubles)

But is also h.sister ‘Marceline’, basic breeding hen of Gert Noels
1. Prov. Argenton 2012 (>10 min. lead)
3. Nat. zone – 6.630 birds
21. Nat. – 25.949 birds

‘Marceline’ is mother to ‘Brian’
1. Prov. Montluçon – 1.147 birds (29. Nat. – 10.753 birds)
3. Prov. Fay-aux-Loges – 1.871 birds

And grandmother to ‘Lourdes’ – raced by Gert Noels
1. Nat. Jarnac – 5.517 birds (2. Fastest – 10.251 birds, 715km)


Oliver BE15-2180249 5x 1. prize
5. Nat. Argenton 13,720 pigeons


Alabama BE16-2226265 Proven racing & breeding hen!

autres pigeons apparentés




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