Proven racing and breeding hen
Some results of Lena
6. Nat. Libourne – 3.697 birds
1. Sourdun – 141 birds
19. Chimay – 1.082 birds
Lena is breeder of Babe
10x 1. prize
1. Prov. / 3. Nat. Acebird KBDB Speed 2017
1. Nat. Acebird LCB Speed 2017
but also,
1. Vervins – 2.379 birds, fastest 6.278 birds
1. Vervins – 299 birds
1. Laon – 260 birds
1. Chimay – 188 birds
1. Chimay – 157 birds
Also 2.-2.-3.-5.-6.-6.-7.-9. Prize