Father 'Aretha' 7x first prize

Breeder of 'Aretha'
7x 1. prize speed to middle distance
1. Gien (427km) 340 birds
8. Bourges (495km) 2.506 birds
11. Laon (201km) 1.921 birds

also, father to:
1. Fed. 504km 1,619 pigeons by 3 mins lead with gr.daughter 'Koka' x 'Sandri'. 
Raced by David Wetering, Australia
20. Prov. Fontenay (327km) 5,482 p. '24 
Raced by Alexander Ampe

View pedigree

'Koka' is father to 'Eagle Koka',
superbreeder for Thed van Wel (NL)

1e Nat. Dagf DK '24
1e Prov.11261 Chimay
4e NPO 4400 Dizzy
7e NPO Issoudun
16e 996 Chateaudun
18e NPO Issoudun
25e 2392 Bierges
23e Nat 10043 Gray
26e 11333 Bierges
31e NPO 3524 Issoudu
34e 3808 Dizzy
34e NPO Dizzy 14634
35e NPO 10645 Niergn
38e 4083 Chimay
39e 5348 Bierges
41e 4294 Tienen
42e 16149 Chimay
50e 4083 Chimay
51e NPO 8900 Chimay
52e 11591 Chimay
56e NPO 8900 Chimay
67e NPO Dizzy 14634
86e NPO 2723 Laferte


Koen BE14-2022156 Gr.father 2. (=1st) Final Pattaya PIPR 530km 6,101p. 2024/2025
& 16. FINAL Algarve Golden Race 2022 (505km) 3,622 p.
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