1. Prov. Acebird GMD KBDB 2024 with sister 'Nino'
1. Prov. Champion long distance old birds 2024 (Jos Thoné)
2. Prov. Acebird SMD KBDB 2024 with 'Kelly'
3. Prov. Champion extreme long distance old birds 2024 (Thoné X&M)
5. Prov. Champion GMD young birds 2024 (Jos Thoné)
7. Prov. Champion SMD old birds 2024 (Jos Thoné)
7. Prov. Champion long distance yearlings 2024 (Thoné X&M)
8. Nat. Champion overall KBDB 2024 (Jos Thoné)
11. Prov. Champion speed old birds 2024 (Jos Thoné)
14. Nat. Champion KBDB long distance old birds 2024 (Jos Thoné)
1. local / 40. Prov. Sourdun 2,428 young birds with daughter 'Nino' x 'Rhea'.
Click here to see the pedigree.
Short distance: 1. MSK Chimay (140 km)
National race Bourges (518km):
45. Nat. Bourges 5,529 old birds
= 2. Nat. c. 823 old birds with top racer 'Natso'.
Click here to see the pedigree.
10. Nat. c. Bourges 823 old birds
= 122. Nat. 5,529 old birds with daughter 'Billy' x 'Ino'.
Click here to see the pedigree.
also, 73. - 75. Nat. Bourges 7,617 yearlings
1. club Trélou (259km) and 24. ML Trélou 2,018 young birds with daughter 'Remco' x 'Nina'. This fantastic hen already won 1. fast. Sens (355km) 2,225p. earlier this season. Click here to see the pedigree.
1. local Gien (427km) with 'Kelly', this is also 21. Prov. Gien 2,698 old birds + yearlings. Remember that 'Kelly' already won a 1. Prov. this season! Click here to see the pedigree again.
1. club / 6. Nat. c. Bourges (518km) 825 yl, also with a child of 'Remco' and 'Nina'. Click here to see the pedigree.
also, 9. - 15. - 56. - 78. Nat. c. Bourges!
Long distance National race Bergerac (786km): 14. Prov. Bergerac 309 p. / 20. Nat. zone old birds (same day arrival!). Click here to see the fantastic pedigree.
3. Nat. c. Brive (721km) 462 yearlings with a super yearling -718/23 from 'Friendship' x 'Tess'. Click here to see the pedigree.
Extreme long distance Marseille (858km): 80. Nat. Marseille 2,082 old birds, raced by Thoné Xavier & Maxim. Click here to see the pedigree.
Short distance: 1. club Dizy 189km = 9. Dizy 1363 old birds + yearlings with 'Jonker 205' (see link below).
Middle distance: 1. Sens (355km) 988yb, fastest 2,225 old birds + yearlings + young birds with daughter 'Remco' x 'Nina'. Click here to see the pedigree.
National race Argenton: 1. Prov. 1,379 yl (1. fast. Nat. zone)
= 34. Nat. Argenton 11,777 yl (572km) with 'Willy', named after Jos' oldest brother who turns 65 years old today. Click here to see the pedigree.
National race Souillac: 15. Prov. Souillac (746km) old birds
Last year this cock also won 11. Prov. Souillac = 80. Nat. Souillac 6,085p. '23
Also, 7. - 8. Prov. Souillac yearlings (746km).
International race Dax: 2. Prov. (957km) = 71. Nat. Dax 2,578 old birds.
Click here to see the pedigree.
1. fast. Prov. Limoges (689km) 1,356 pigeons
= 1. fast. Nat. zone Limoges
= 8. Nat. Limoges 6,889 old birds with 'Don Diego'
Click here to see the pedigree.

Also, 1. NZ Limoges yearlings with 'Pro Nina'. Click here to see the pedigree.
This is also 3. Prov. Limoges and 36. National of 6,838 yearlings.
Barcelona (1,082 km)
14. Prov. Barcelona 936 pigeons
= 64. Nat. 6,310 old birds with 'Smart Jane'. Click here to see the pedigree with some other great results from this hen.
also, 88. Nat. Barcelona 6,310 old birds with 'Alex Laureaat'.
Raced by Thoné Xavier & Maxim.
also, 301. Prov. Barcelona with 'BE21-5035337' (the hen from 'Don Diego').
Short distance: 1. club Mettet (102km) fastest old birds + yearlings with 'sister Suana'. This hen already has an impressive track record. Click here to see the pedigree.
Middle distance: 1. - 2. club Trelou yearlings (259km) with daughter 'Gaggan'.
Click here to see the pedigree from the winner.
Middle distance: 1. - 2. Gien (427km) fastest regional old birds + yearlings, with the amazing twins. This weekend top hen 'Kelly' (1. Prov. Gien winner) got beaten by her own nest-sister 'Kelly Two'. Click here to see the pedigree.
Marathon (International): 3. Prov. Pau (965km) = 93. Nat. 3,368 old birds with gr.daughter 'Jef', 'Luna May', 'Special One'. Click here to see the incredible pedigree.
1. Prov. Gien (427km) 4,517 yearlings with 'Kelly'.
This winning hen is bred from a full brother to 'Nina' x top daughter 'Pano' & 'Sua' and already won 6x 1. prize. She was named 'Kelly' in honour of the wedding of Maxim Thoné & Kelly Thys on the same day. Click here to see the pedigree.
Short distance: 1. club Chimay (140km) fastest old birds + yearlings with full sister 'Nina' (click here to see the pedigree).
Middle distance: 1. - 2. - 3. - 4... club Sens (355km) with first arrival bred from brother 'Nina' x 'Suana' (click here to see the pedigree). This is also 7. Sens of 1258 pigeons.
National race Argenton: 11. Prov. Argenton (572km) 1104 pigeons with full sister 'Nino' (click here to see the pedigree). She won 1. fast. club Sens (355km) and 53. Sens 3,029 pigeons two weeks ago.
National race long distance Valence: 11. Nat. Valence 5,469 old birds raced by Thoné Xavier and Maxim (click here to see the pedigree).
also, 47. Nat. Valence with nest sister to winner 1. Nat. c. Aurillac '23 (30. Nat. 6,512 yl). Click here to see the pedigree.
1. club Mettet (102km) with half-brother 'Nina' (full brother to the winner from Sourdun). Click here to see the pedigree.
1. gml Sourdun (320km) 1,047 pigeons
= 3. fast. reg. Sourdun 2,775 old birds + yearlings
With half-brother 'Nina' (same father x 'Sacha'). Click here to see the pedigree.

1. Mettet (102km) old birds + yearlings bred from 'Pano' x 'Sua'.
1. Mettet yearlings with full sister 'Leonidas' (1. drop Pattaya PIPR 2024).
1. club Mettet young birds (25. Mettet 1026 p. and first race of the season) with gr.daughter 'Nina'! Click here to see the pedigree.
1. club Sens (355 km) old birds + yearlings bred from 'Felix' x 'Kirin 984'.
= 113. Prov. Sens of 4,212 pigeons.
1. fast. club Sens (355km) old birds + yearlings
53. Sens 3,029 pigeons with full sister 'Nino'.
& 110. Sens 3,029 pigeons with BE23-5039005 bred from 'Fyto' x 'Crowchi'.
This hen also won a.o. 2. Nat. zone Argenton 2023.
34. Vervins (189km) 1,105 pigeons with BE23-5039513 son 'Nino' x daughter 'Figo James' and 'Sachi'.
2. Chimay (140km) 604 old birds + yearlings with daughter 'Nino 812' x 'Amelia'.
This hen also won a.o. 55. Orléans (436km) 4,176 pigeons in 2023. You will find this hen's parents below the page.
1. - 2. Laon (201km) old birds + yearlings.
First arrival is BE23-5039048 (again, see below).
= 11. Laon MSK 1,533 pigeons
1. - 2. - 3... Mettet (102km) old birds with 'Radina' (see below).
First arrival is also 7. Mettet ML 2,677 pigeons.
1. - 2. - ... - 10... Dizy-le-Gros (189km) yearlings
5. Dizy-le-Gros old birds with 'New Kirina', bred from 'Nino 817' x top hen 'Kirina'.
1. Chimay (140km) yearlings
= 31. fast. Chimay 1171 pigeons with BE23-5039484.
Bred from father 'Nina' x 'Suana' top daughter 'Pano' x 'Sua'.
Half-sister (same mother) to -048/23 from above!
1. fast. Mettet (102km) old birds + yearlings with BE23-5039048.
Bred from full brother 'Nina' x 'Suana' top daughter 'Pano' x 'Sua'.
3. Mettet yearlings with BE23-5039459 from 'Eze' x h.sister 'Nina'.