New breeding catalogue 23/24 now available

New breeding catalogue 23/24 now available

December 12, 2023

In this catalogue we are carefully presenting our most important breeding pigeons. These pigeons are the foundation for our breeding loft, but also of the successes in many other lofts throughout the world. The catalogue contains a brief summary of pigeons with their results. You will find more pigeons and results on our website.

Download the digital version: see link below.
The catalogue is only available in English. 

Would you like to receive a free paper copy of our catalogue? 
Paper copies will be distributed for free at the Olympiad Maastricht (booth PigeonHP) as well as during multiple other exhibitions (Fugare, Houten,...). 

If you cannot make it to the exhibitons and would like to receive a paper copy, please send us an e-mail with your postal address* and we will send you a free paper copy (from January 2024).

*By sending us your contact details you agree that we can use your contact details for the sole purpose of sending Thoné marketing material. We will never share your personal information with third parties.