1.-4.-6... club Chimay (140 km), yearlings
1.-3.-5... Sens (355 km) yearlings + old birds
1. club / 2.-3.-6.-18... Nat. c. Chateauroux, yearlings
1.-2... club / 3.-10.-20.-31... Nat. c. Chateauroux, old birds
Sens 6.6.2021 (355 km)
1. Sens (355 km) - 1,234 old birds + yearlings
(= 6. Prov. of 4,939 yearlings)
also, 3. Sens - 1,234 p. with 'Jonker Junior', bred from 'Jonker' x 'The 500'
(= 11. Prov. of 3,546 old birds)

Chateauroux I 2021 (547 km)
2. Nat. c. Chateauroux - 2,830 old birds with 'Oliver 149'
bred from Superbreeder 'Oliver' x 'Alabama'
also 3.-5.-6.-18... Nat. c. Chateauroux, old birds
3. Nat. c. Chateauroux - 1,414 yearlings with son 'Figo James'
bred from 'Figo James' x 'Ria' (inbred 'Sedna')
also 10.-20.-31... Nat. c. Chateauroux, yearlings
References this weekend
Tom Nouwen (As, Belgium)
wins 1. club / 11. Nat. zone c. Chateauroux (544 km) 1,414 birds
with daughter 'The Croatian'
Feed: Beyers Premium, Thoné Olympic
Products: Pigeon Health & Performance

Milos Pejkovic (Podgorica, Montenegro)
wins again 1. prize of 497 pigeons (289 km) 1265 m/s
bloodline 'Crow' x 'Avril'

Thierry Bazire (Bouleville, France)
wins 2.-6.-7... Brive of 3,028 birds with gr.children 'Son 801' / 'Dwain' and 'Kirin' (Golden Pair)
"Bonjour Xavier. J’ai encore très très bien réussi avec les enfants du fils de kirin et les enfants d’une fille du 054/09. Tops résultats. 2,6,7 Brive sur 3028 pigeons. Concours très très dur (vent de nord 1107m/m)"

Congratulations Milos, Tom and Thierry!
Did you also have good results with Thoné Pigeons to mention? Let us know!