New results from this weekends races Vierzon & Melun.
Vierzon (492 km) 20/06/2020
1. club Vierzon - 541 birds / 8. Prov. Vierzon - 3.978 birds with 'Tulso'.
Bred from full brother to 'Fyto' x daughter 'Kajo'
'Fyto' is a pure Gaby Vandenabeele bird (bred by Jos Thoné)
Top Breeder 'Kajo' is g.father to more than 30x first prize

Acebird 'Bill' wins 1. club Vierzon 567 birds and 64. Prov. Vierzon 2.824 birds

Melun (334 km) 20/06/2020
BE19-5095061 bred from 'Suo' (brother Sua) x 'Oliva' (bred from Oliver x sister Koen) see pedigree below
1. Melun - 724 birds
48. Prov. Melun - 13.491 birds

'Galaxus' wins 8. Melun - 1.964 birds
'Hulk' wins 11. Melun - 1.964 birds
'Oliver Junior' wins 14. Melun - 1.964 birds
Melun club (493 birds) also:
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