Good news from Japan! Mrs. Eri Myojin, owner of the famous Japanese pigeon magazine "Aikyu-No-Tomo" sent us some great references. All children (!) from her pigeon "Brother Lena" that she bought on PIPA (bred from 'Jonker' x 'The 500) each won in the OLR in Japan!
Dear Xavier,
I have your pigeon in my breeding loft. I bought it by PIPA Auction before. I breed 4 children at fiest time this year and particepate One Loft Race in Japan. They are good result! One of them came back to my loft today.
21KA17205 BW
- 200km 4th (1447 pigeons)
- 250km 316th (1320 pigeons)
- 300km 52th (1113 pigeons)
- 400km 46th (896 pigeons)

The very beautiful pigeon! Her nest brother stay in the same One Loft. He will continue to participate the race in next Spring. (His best record is 250km 10th ! Super Brothers!)
Full sister in another One Loft.
She( he) is winner of 200km race !
She will go the race in the next year!
1000km race is waiting.
PAPA and MAMA is good pair, I think.
Please see the pedigrees and photos in the next e-mail.
Best regards,
Eri Myojin