1. Prov. / 13. Nat. Acebird KBDB speed
& 14x first prize and proven breeding cock!

'Kajo' is grandfather:
1. Nat. Argenton 12,936 yl (494 km), fastest 23,570 p. '22
16. Final Algarve Golden Race 2022 (505km) 3,622 p.
7. Final Doha International OLR (450km) 524p. 2023
3. Dizy-le-Gros (277 km) 4,400 p. 2021
1. Nat. c. Argenton '20 and 1. Nat. c. Tulle '20
43. Nat. Limoges (666km) 8,970 p. '23
18/1477 Big Andys (150mi) OLR Florida '24 (P. Milian)

'Remco' is an inbreeding grandson of 'Kajo'
12. Nat. Acebird KBDB GMD 2019
2. Nat. Acebird 2019 – 6 prizes (PIPA)
9. Nat. Acebird 2019 – 7 prizes (PIPA)
1. Nat. c. Argenton – 689 birds

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is father 'Wari'
mother to more than 7x first prize winners
Also, mother to ‘Atlanta’
2. Nat. c. Bourges 2,347 pigeons
31. Nat. Bourges (495 km) 23,195 pigeons
also, mother to breeder of:
16. Final Algarve Golden Race 2022 (505km) 3,622 p.

Kajo is also grandfather to:
1. Laon – 122 pigeons
1. Dizy-le-Gros – 280 pigeons
1. Nat. c. Argenton – 689 pigeons
2. Nat. c. – 2.347p. / 31. Nat. Bourges – 23.195 pigeons
3. Nat. zone Chateauroux (548km)
11. Nat. zone Argenton – 1.162 pigeons
26. Chimay – 3.527 pigeons
33. Soissons – 2.229 pigeons
33. Laon – 1.921 pigeons

'Kajo' is gr.father to:
35/10.645 Niergnies
78/5.139 Quievrain
98/4.392 Maastricht
Raced by T.v.Wel


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