Billy x Sachi 281
is gr.mother 1. extra Final Avirings OLR (607km) 2024
is mother 103. Final (333km) Viking Pigeon Race Sweden '23

1.10.2024 - Team Ten Klei & Lochtenberg take the 1st place in the extra final race of Avirings Derby 2024! After an incredible 607 km journey in 9 hours and 37 minutes, their pigeon finished with an impressive velocity of 1172.42 m/min. Source: PIPA

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Bred from 'Billy'
1. Sezanne - 569 pigeons (289 km)
1. National c. Gueret (605 km)
3. Prov. Argenton (576 km)
8. Nat. c. Chateauroux - 1.952 pigeons (548 km)
27. Nat. c. Chateauroux - 1.904 pigeons
31. Nat. c. Argenton - 1.563 pigeons    
10.-38.-46. Nat. c.

Bred from 'Sachi'
1. Nat. La Souterraine, f. 23.848 pigeons
32. Nat. Bourges – 33.524 pigeons


Billy BE16-2226129 Gr.father 2. (=1st) Final Pattaya PIPR 530km 6,101p. 2024/2025


Sachi BE12-5030350 1. Nat. La Souterraine, f. 23.848 pigeons
32. Nat. Bourges – 33.524 pigeons
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