1. Nat. Bourges II 2021 - 8,410 old birds, fastest 39,072 pigeons

'Nina' is mother:
6x 1. prize (no doubles)

1. fast. Nat. c. Bourges (492 km)  3,491p. '23
1. Sens (355km) 988yb, fastest 2,225p. '24
1. club / 24. ML Trélou (259km) 2,018 yb '24
6. Nat. c. Bourges (518km) 825 yl '24
4. Laon (212 km) 1,365 pigeons '23
5. Melun (334 km) 1,213 pigeons '23
56. Orléans (436km) 4,176 pigeons '23

View pedigree

'Nina' is gr.mother:
1. club Mettet (102 km) = 25. of 1026 pigeons '24
1. Chimay (114 km) 332 p. 2023 (Nico Reynders, Sluizen)
2./ 415 p. Extra Super Final Halkidiki OLR (505 km) '22
49./ 879 p. Final Derby Int. Costa del Sol OLR (400 km) '22
137/1275 HS6 (200km) Dubai OLR '24-'25
70/1439 HS3 (140km) Dubai OLR '24-'25

Bred from 'Olympic Son' 'Kittel' 1. Nat. Acepigeon speed KBDB '13
is bred from 'Goudhaantje'
1. Olympiad pigeon speed, Ostend 2007
3. Nat. Acepigeon speed, KBDB 2005
4. Nat. Acepigeon speed, KBDB 2006
is bred from 'Olympic Rosita'
1. Olympiad Pigeon Nitra 2012
1. Nat. Acebird Superduif speed
1. Prov. Acebird KBDB speed, 2012

Bred from 'Kitti'
Superior breeding daughter of 'Kittel' x 'Cavell'
'Cavell' is mother >10x 1. prize
Top inbreeding gr.daughter of 'Avril'




Olympic Son BE13-6097298 Father 1. Nat. Bourges II 2021 - 8,410 old birds, fastest 39,072 pigeons
Gr.father 16. FINAL Algarve Golden Race 2022 (505km) 3,622 p.


Kitti BE16-2226861 Superior breeding daughter of 'Kittel' x 'Cavell'
Mother 1. Nat. Bourges II 2021 - 8,410 old birds, fastest 39,072 pigeons
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