Tiko x Glana 973
h.brother 6. pos. - 1. race - 986 p. (234 km) AfrikaPro OLR '22

Bred from 'Tiko'
1. Nat. Acebird Bourges 2019 – 2020 (PIPA)
1. Nat. c. Bourges (495 km) 1,130 pigeons
18. Nat. Bourges 10,393 pigeons
9. Nat. Chateauroux (548 km) 6,377 pigeons
3. Nat. c. Bourges 2,347 pigeons
32. Nat. Bourges 23,195 pigeons

Bred from 'Glana'
Daughter 'Sedna' 1. Int. Narbonne
Mother 6./ 986 p. (234 km) AfrikaPro OLR '22

View pedigree

'Tiko' is father to winners:
7. Montelimar 874 pigeons
10. Chateauroux 1,414 pigeons
23. Vervins 2,869 pigeons
50. Fay aux Loges 2,116 pigeons
83. Prov. Argenton (572 km) 2,456 pigeons

"Sedna and her descendants are a perfect combination of speed and endurance. This now world famous bloodline has been producing race winners in the range of 100 to 1000km, all across the globe. I named her after the last planet that was discovered in our solar system." - Jos Thoné

‘Sedna’ and her descendants are pure combination of speed and strength. This world- famous lineage is winning races around the globe from 100 to 1000 km.


Tiko BE18-5025681 The only child of 'Tilly' that was ever raced and at once one of the strongest racing sons of 'Koen'!


Glana BE14-2022711 Daughter 'Sedna' 1. Int. Narbonne
Mother 6./ 986 p. (234 km) AfrikaPro OLR '22
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