We will summarize some of the latest received references and testimonials in this article. If our pigeons did wel on your loft, let us know!
Mr. Hashim Al-Zawad - 12. March 2020
1. club against 2.319 p.
= 3. Nat. Arrar (1.001 km) against 5.678 p.
with grandchild to Superbreeder 'Little Joe'

On the first Arrar race (1.000 km) earlier this season, Mr. Hashim Al-Zawad already won 54. against 9.223 pigeons, also with a grandchild to 'Little Joe'!
Ali Obaed - 5. June 2020

Dear friend,
Kindly find attached breeding results for super 217/13 ( daughter golden
pair) in only two racing seasons from 5 different cocks!!
What a great hen, thanks for such super hen.
Best regards
Ali Obaed

In 2018-2019:
436/18, 1st Ace long distance, winner of:
26/2376, 160km - 66/2354, 210km - 1/1300, 690km - 24/100, 890km
819/17, 3rd Ace long distance, winner of:
45/1825, 433km -13/1300, 690km - 29/100, 890km
709/17, winner of:
22/2376, 160km - 71/2354, 210km - 65/1825, 433km - 10/1300, 690km
418/18, winner of:
50/2376, 160km - 54/2354, 210km - 6/1300, 690km
419/18, winner of:
51/2354, 210km - 4/1569, 544km
455/18, winner of:
2/1300, 690km
408&409/18, winner of:
25-77/2376, 160km - 7-18/1300, 690km
In 2019-2020:
418/18, winner of:
5/3000, 160km
483/18, winner of:
36/3100, 90km - 10/2700, 210km - 42/2050, 433km
419/18, winner of:
46/2503, 284km - 38/2250, 320km - 18/1750, 522km
922/19, winner of:
4/3000, 160km - 47/2700, 210km
881/17, winner of:
67/1572, 200km - 53/1239, 300km - 10/447, 620km
Kerby Chua - 18. Mai 2020
Hi Xavier, here are the money winners in the Philippines I have bred over the years from “Blue Larkspur” B11-5010925 Original Jos Thoné.

Find more pictures below.
Søren Smedegaard Nielsen on 11. Febr. 2020
Hello Thoné Family, I just wanted to write to you in regard to a cock (Bel-06-5120287) he is half brother Avril. Are you aware of what he has breed in Denmark? Maybe you already know but he is the Grandfather to an incredibly amount of winners in Denmark.
Mr. Evald Jensen became Danish Champion in our Sport Championship. He has for many years been one of the absolute top of Danish Pigeon racing. Almost all of his pigeons are the line of 'Sumo'.

In 1996 he bought a pigeon (Cock) that was a Grandchild of the father to the legendary (Sumo). He was paired to a daughter of his “425”. That was the beginning of the success that he has had to up until now. This pair breed a lot of winners especially on the long distance and the overnight flights.
Congratulations to Mr. Frank Daelemans for winning the 26th Final place (1st Belgian pigeon) of the famous South African "Million Dollar Pigeon Race" 2020. The winning bird was an inbreeding male bird (100% Thoné) from our 'Sachi' bloodline. Thanks for letting us know, Frank!

Milos Pejkovic, 14. April 2020
1. Nat. Champion of Montenegro 2016 & 2017
1, 2, 3, 4... Nat. Acebird of Montenegro 2016
100% Thoné birds (Poco, Avril, Sumo bloodlines)

Milos explaines that the racing season in Montenegro consists of 4-5 short, 3-4 middle and 1 or 2 long distance races. All under very hard conditions: hot weather and moutainous environment. We wish Milos good luck for the next racing seasons.

Blueridge Lofts, Andrew Popely on 10th April, 2020
"Many thanks Xavier the father of this pigeon through your Sumo lines has been a very consistent breeder for me good luck for the season."

The Doorman another consistent racing cock bred from a Double Grandson of Sumo when paired to a Double Granddaughter of Harry.

APC Loft, Houston TX - Mr. & Mrs. George and Jennifer Rankin
2019 Young Bird Race Results
Dec 4th, Lucky 17 one loft 350 miles
1.19350 Won 1st equal.3rd see pedigree (Figo James, Artificial Jutta bloodline)
Dec 1st, Dehesa Valley Classic 305miles
1.19280 Won 1st and 4th average speed from 3 races
Band No. 19 APC 19280 see pedigree (Artificial Jutta, Dora Mar, Avril)
2.19250 Won 1st e. 2nd and 3th average speed from 3 races
Band No. 19 APC 19250 see pedigree (Figo, Deep Impact, Jutta, Avril)
Nov 25th, Peach Classic 350m
19181 Won 1st @1428ypm see pedigree (Figo, Jutta, Dora Mar)
Mr. Art Soucy on 25 November 2019
"Jos, it's Thanksgiving week in America and I thought I would drop a quick note to give thanks for having met you ...and for obtaining several top pigeons from you. I had a bird win a race directly from the son of Cavendish when mated to one of your blue hens...let me get you the details."
Mr. Florian Pitz (ZG Scherre-Pitz)
Wins 2. Acebird BRD 2019 with a double-grandchild of Kleine Figo (Figo James bloodline), and many more prizes (see pedigree below).
Mr. Harald Lindtner on 24 November 2019
Youngsters from a direct son of Witte Edmond won:
Dachau 198 km : 31./ 505p. + 31./800 p. + 60./1.650 p.
Augsburg 240 km : 107./378p. + 184./676p. + 388./1.494
Dachau 198 km : 90./ 505p. + 151./800 p.
Ulm 308 km: 52./ 353 p. + 103./584 p. + 216./ 1.222
Direct children out of our Kajo x Sachi / Rini bloodline won:

Pastetten 170 km: 67./ 554p. + 91./ 1.104 p. + 161./ 2.325
Dachau 198 km : 86./ 268p. + 147./505 p.
Ulm 308 km: 114./ 353 p.
Dachau 198 km : 2./ 268p. (000,193 m/min behind the first) + 9./505 p. + 44./1.197 p. (club 1. / 138 p.)
Augsburg 240 km : 18./378p. + 18./676p. + 27./1.494
Ulm 308 km: 73./ 353 p. + 140./584 p. + 314./ 1.222
Pastetten 170 km: 75./ 554p. + 102./ 1.104 p. + 174./ 2.325
Dachau 198 km : 227./ 800 p. + 368./1.651 p.
Augsburg 240 km : 17./378p. + 17./676p. + 26./1.494
Ulm 308 km: 18./ 353 p. + 30./584 p. + 75./ 1.222 (club 1. / 108 p.)
Mr. Harald will race these youngsters as yearlings next year. He also won:
- 2. regional champion youngbirds
- 8. provincial overall champion
- 4. Acepigeon regional and 8 Acepigeon provincial (5 prices)
USA, Miami
Mr. Rolando Marrero on 22 November 2019
Rolando is very proud of his -053/13 Mendel, which became his basic breeding bird that gave him many winners. "Mendel is responsible for over 40 prizes from 100 miles to 500 miles", Rolando says. The BE13-5021053 is a direct son from the old bloodlines Sars/Jutta and Napoleon.
Just to give a short teaser: Mendel is father to:
AU-3198-17 VK – (Mother another Thoné pigeon B-5061986-08 Daughter of Zita)
- 2nd Avg Speed Miami International One loft Race
- 19 pl 225 Miles vs 138 Lofts 427 Birds
- 13 pl 300 Miles vs 130 Lofts 343 Birds
... grandfather to:
AU-2726-18 VK Tokyo
- 9th Avg Speed Apple Cup
- 6 pl 209 Miles vs 154 Lofts 573 Birds
- 60 pl 267 Miles vs 154 Lofts 515 Birds
- 8th pl 350 Miles vs 151 lofts 169 Birds
... and grandfather to:
AU-350-18 GSCW ( Sire is full Brother to 3198-17)
Young Birds:
- 10/ 431 Brds/ 39 Lfts/200 Ave Miles
- 70/ 478 Brds/ 39 Lfts/201 Ave Miles
- 94/ 600 Brds/ 42 Lfts/204 Ave Miles
- 19/136 Brds/ 14 Lfts/ 304 Ave Miles
Old Birds:

Mr. Joe Gomes on 20 November 2019
- Best long distance bird in his union 2019 from a daughter of Guyliam x sister Disney
- Full brother is named Jetstream and wins 11. final race MDPR South-Africa in 2018!

Guyliam won
- 1. Prov. Monteauban 2014
- 1. Prov. Libourne 2015
- also 4. Prov. Tulle 2014
- and 43. Prov. Libourne 2014
- Co-Winner 1. Prov. Champion KBDB long distance 2014
Mr. Safik Ahamed on 26 September 2019
"Dear Mr. Jos Thoné
My name is Safik Ahamed from India. First of all thank you for your super hen I bought in pipa auction 2016 (BE-14-2335725).
I own this bird from india I won this year race with this blood line and I am runner champion in my club champion is Viki Vignesh for the year 2019 in King Royal Pigeon Society and Vetri Maaran raced in our club."

- This hen is a full sister to Seltos, a supreme breeding cock in our stockloft
- Direct Febio x Inbred Sedna (see links below)
Mr. Sergio Martina is racing for the first year in his life. His loft is based on 100% Thoné pigeons and Thoné feeding system.
- First race of the season (250km) - 1, 2, 5, 8, 10, ... prize of 630 pigeons
All 23 basketed youngsters came home the same day - Second race of the season (320km)
1, 3, 4, 7, 9, 22, 23, ... prize of 723 young birds.
His first pigeon had 12 mins (!) advance on the competition.

Mr. Alberto Velasquez wins 1st. Acepigeon youngbirds 2019 with a 100% Thoné pigeon.

Jos Thoné has always been a trendsetter, trying to be one step ahead of his opponents. His great ambitions and his passion inspire many fanciers around the world. They all have the same goal: to win prizes, and to be the best. The Thoné ambition is also to breed the best pigeons to achieve this goal. It can be said that the "Thoné Pigeon" continues to be overwhelmingly strong on an international level. New ways of communication like our website as well as social media, are making it easier to get in touch and to stay in contact with each other. We receive references and testimonials from all over the world, on a daily basis.