1. Nat. Bourges II 2021 - 8,409 old birds, fastest 39,068 pigeons with 'Nina'
but also, 29. Nat. Bourges II of 8,410 old birds with 'Remco'
21. Nat. Tulle (670 km) - 7,267 yearlings with son 'Figo James' x 'Ria'
Bourges II 2021 NATIONAL RACE (492 km)
1. Nat. Bourges II 2021- 8,409 old birds, fastest 39,068 pigeons with 'Nina' (see pedigree below)

Bred from 'Olympic Son'
Halfbrother 'Kittel'
Bred from 'Goudhaantje'
1. Olympiad pigeon speed, Ostend 2007
3. Nat. Acepigeon speed, KBDB 2005
4. Nat. Acepigeon speed, KBDB 2006
Bred from 'Olympic Rosita'
1. Olympiad Pigeon Nitra 2012
1. Nat. Acebird Superduif speed
1. Prov. Acebird KBDB speed, 2012
2. Nat. Acebird MSN allround
4. Nat. Acebird KBDB speed 2012
1. Noyon 1.763 pigeons
1. Noyon 1.248 pigeons
1. Noyon 555 pigeons
Mother 1. Nat. Acepigeon speed KBDB 2013 'Kittel'
Bred from 'Kitti'
Superior breeding daughter of 'Kittel' x 'Cavell'
Co-breeding with Flanders Collection
Bred from 'Kittel'
1. Nat. Acebird KBDB speed 2013
>50x 1. prize breeder up to +12.000 birds
Bred from 'Cavell'
mother >10x 1. prize
Top inbreeding gr.daughter of 'Avril'
Olympiad Pigeon speed, Ostend 2007
93 prizes in 6 years of racing (no doubles)
20x 1st prize!
also, 29. Nat. Bourges II of 8,410 old birds with 'Remco' (the partner of 'Nina').
'Remco' is inbred 'Kajo' and already won 12. Nat. Acebird KBDB MD yearlings 2019.
Some results of 'Remco'
2. Nat. Acebird 2019 – 6 prizes (PIPA)
9. Nat. Acebird 2019 – 7 prizes (PIPA)
12. Nat. Acebird KBDB heavy middle distance 2019
1. Nat. c. Argenton – 689 birds
8. Nat. c. Argenton – 1.714 birds
5. Sourdun – 820 birds
9. Nat. c. Bourges – 1.457 birds
19. Chevrainvilliers – 2.863 birds
Tulle 2021 National race (670 km)
21. Nat. Tulle (670 km) of 7,267 yearlings with 'BE20-5040227' son 'Figo James' x 'Ria' (inbred 'Sedna'). This pigeon already won 3. Nat. c. Chateauroux - 1,414 yearlings earlier this year.

Pictures atmosphere by Maarten De Boe (Columba Photography, PIPA).
References this weekend
Luc & Stef Mommen (Hasselt) won 5. Nat. (6. Int.) Narbonne 2021 (880km) 5,972 yearlings with 'de Narbonne' bred by Thoné Pigeons. Father is direct Guy Baerts x top daughter 'Kai' x 'Mila' (grd. 'Sachi' 1. Nat. La Souterraine and 'Faros' 5. Nat. Acebird KBDB long distance 2016).

Congratulations Luc & Stef!