1. Nat. Acebird LCB speed 2017

Some results of Babe:
10x 1. prize
1. Prov. Acebird KBDB Speed 2017
1. Nat. Acebird LCB Speed 2017
3. Nat. Acebird KBDB Speed 2017
1. Vervins – 2.379 birds, fastest 6.278 birds
1. Vervins – 299 birds
1. Laon – 260 birds
1. Chimay – 188 birds
1. Chimay – 157 birds
Also 2.-2.-3.-5.-6.-6.-7.-9. Prize

Siehe Stammbaum

'Babe' is gr.mother to:
3./5186 Algarve Golden Race '24 - 4th HOTSPOT /ACE PIGEON (243km)
21./649 Super Final (430km) Derby Zagreb '24
316./1119 Final 417km Derby Int. Costa del Sol Verano '24
1. Lorris (414 km) 1,042 pigeons (2022)
= 6. Prov. Lorris 5,281 pigeons
1. Melun (334 km) – 724 birds
= 48. Prov. Melun – 13.491 birds (2020)
4. Chimay (140 km) – 2.040 birds
5. Vervins (179 km) – 583 birds
44. Chimay – 3.019 birds
30. Melun – 1.405 birds

'Babe' is also to:
16. Final Algarve Golden Race (505km) 3,622 p. '22


Apollo BE15-2180012 Father 'Babe' / Brother 'Gaggan' & 'Gagano'


Lena BE15-2180235 Proven racing and breeding hen
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