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'Sachi' is (g.)mother to:
Olympiad Pigeon Allround 2020 (KBDB Olympic Hope)
7. Nat. Chateauroux – 4.209 birds
4. Prov. Fay-aux-Loges – 4.600 birds
1. Dizy-le-Gros – 565 birds
16. Prov. Sezanne – 4.316 birds
11. Final Derby Internacional Costa del Sol FCI 2016
11. Acebird Derby Internacional Costa del Sol FCI 2016
1. Sézanne (269 km) 792 birds (fastest 1,257 birds) '21
1. OLR Pattaya 2017 - 1.128 p. (330 km)
Winner Princess Cup & 26.000 USD
3. Acebird OLR Costa de la Luz (Spain) 2019
3. Prov. Acebird KBDB LD 2020
4. Nat. Acebird Souillac '19-'20 (PIPA)
1. prov. Chateauroux – 897 birds / 21. Nat. 9,540 birds 2016
3. Nat. Zone Chateauroux – 2,980 birds
1. Vervins – 124 birds / 16. – 2,100 birds
11. Nat. Tulle – 4,451 birds
1. prov. Brive 720 km – 901 birds
13. Nat. Zone Brive – 2,008 birds
11. prov. Brive – 411 birds
15. prov. Vierzon – 2,824 birds
27. prov. Vierzon – 3,978 birds
37. prov. Montlucon – 2,111 birds
10. s-prov. 3,518 birds
17. s-prov. 9,473 birds
29. National Chateauroux of 22.476 pigeons (2019)
1. Prov. / 2. Nat. c. Souillac (746 km) 2020
2. Nat. c. / 7. Prov. Brive (721 km) 2020
3. Nat. Acebird long distance 2019 (PIPA)
2. Prov. Libourne (789km)
2. Nat. zone Souillac (746km) 2019 and 2020
7. Nat. zone Cahors (822km)
73. Nat. Bourges – 5.831 birds
14. Nat. Acebird KBDB long distance 2019
3. Prov. Acebird KBDB long distance 2020
18. Nat. Acebird KBDB long distance 2020
Also 38.-53.-58. prov. …
Also 4.-5.-6.-6.-8. prize